Chairman Message

Dear Esteemed Members,

It gives me immense pleasure to connect with you through this newsletter. October started with a grateful tribute to the father of the nation, Mahatma Gandhiji, and the Second Prime Minister of India, Shri Lal Bahadur Shastriji.

During the month of September, we were all active in finalizing the audits and were working hard to fulfill our prime duty as an auditor. "A DREAM DOESN'T BECOME REALITY THROUGH MAGIC; IT TAKES SWEAT, DETERMINATION, AND HARD WORK." We are working towards excellence, and I am sure that we have been determined to give our best to all the stakeholders. We are committed to working for the country, and we are contributing extensively towards nation-building under the guidance of our torchbearers at IAI.

During the month of September, we all worked extensively and for long office hours to complete our audit assignments. This attitude displayed by us reflects our dedication, discipline, and commitments to the work during the audit season, which is a festival of learning for us.

I am happy to inform members that this is for the very first time SIRC conducts the 55th Annual Regional Conference to be held at Hosapete (near Hampi, a historical place and a place designated as a World Heritage Centre by UNESCO) on the 12th and 13th of October 2023 in a smaller city (non-metro) in the State of Karnataka and the first Conference in any historical place in the State of Karnataka since its formation in April 1952.

The Conference, with congregation of large gathering of our professional fraternity, the intellectual treasure of the Nation, is an appropriate platform to share, interact, learn, and develop new perspectives and prospects for developing professional skills in particular and the profession in general.

On behalf of SIRC, I request that you kindly register and join the conference of “Jnana Sampanna (Enlighten and Evolve)”, the Grand Mega Annual Event, 55th Regional Conference of SIRC at Hosapete (near Hampi) on October 12th and 13th, 2023.

On September 2, 2023, we conducted a one-day workshop on Tax Audit with Speakers: CA Chunduru Sudheer and CA Maddi Rajesh, an essential topic for every chartered accountant. I am sure our esteemed speakers got valuable insights that were beneficial for all of you.

On September 8th and 9th, 2023, we were conducted Two-Day National Conference on Technology (Speakers: CA Dayaniwas Sharma, CCM, and Umesh Sharma, CCM, CA Saran Kumar, CA Anand P Jangid, CA E Narasimhan, CA Sourabh Goenka, and CA D Premnadh). Members learned how to adapt to today's rapidly evolving digital world while staying updated with technology. Our two-day National Conference on Technology promises to be a platform where you can gain in-depth knowledge and interact with experts in the field.




Career Counseling Programs:

It gives me immense pleasure and pride to share with you all that the Institute has etched its impression by setting the Guinness World Record for conducting the ‘Largest Accounting Lesson’ ever held at a single location in the world. We achieved this incredible milestone during the mega events, which are Super Mega Career Counseling Programs, which were organized by the Committee on Career Counseling of ICAI on September 8, 2023. We are happy to share that Our branch was also part of this event. Our branch conducted One Super Mega Career Counseling Program at Gudivada, which was possible with the coordination of CA M.R. Prasad, Past Chairman of our Branch, and the participation of nearly 1500 students. This is a testament to our commitment to nurturing future talent. We have also conducted 25 Career Counseling Programs in various Schools and colleges. I would like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to all the counselors who have dedicated their time and expertise to making these programs a success.

I would like to request that all our members actively participate in future events in our branch. We will learn from learned speakers about not only professional development but also opportunities to network and engage with fellow professionals. Your cooperation and support make the ICAI Vijayawada Branch vibrant and successful.

Now the Branch is gearing up for the forthcoming period and planning various CPE and other events, the details of which are going to be shared in due course.

I look forward to seeing you all at our upcoming events and continuing our journey of growth and excellence together.

While concluding this message, I take the opportunity to extend my best wishes for Dussera. May these festivities bring a fresh ray of hope and confidence and a refreshing breeze of happiness, health, peace, and prosperity to you, your family members, and your friends.

“A small group of determined and positive like-minded people can change the course of history.”- by - Mahatma Gandhi

Doing the easy thing makes you popular. But Doing the hard thing makes you a leader”. By – Lal Bhadur Shastri.



Warm regards,

CA Narendra Babu Veerla


ICAI Vijayawada Branch.

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